
Yahoo Maps Integration

I'm enjoying the ongoing rivalry between Google and Yahoo. Some great ideas are being implimented from the competition. One such idea, is an extremely impressive service called Yahoo Maps. Yahoo has released a variety of different APIs including a Flash interface. This feature was just too cool not to integrate into my site. Check out my contact section.


'Yahoo 360 CFC' & 'Flickr CFC' Published to Macromedia

I decided to rework my original Blogger CFC so it would also work with Yahoo 360 blog feeds and Flickr photo streams. Suprisingly, it didn't take me very long to modify. I published my new applications to Macromedia as freeware for others to use. Examples can be found at: http://www.cftags.net


'Blogger CFC' Published to Macromedia

There wasn't an existing application to pull information from blogger and render it on a standard Web site or Flash, so I had to build my own. I published my application to Macromedia as freeware for others to use. An example can be found at: http://www.cftags.net


Blogger Feed

My blog integration has been added. I wanted to see if I could consume the information from Blogger and feed it to Flash. Works very nicely.


Opera 8

I just tried Opera 8 out and I have to say I am extremely impressed with this browser. Without a doubt it's the fastest browser. I ran some comparitive tests loading and reloading the same pages vs. Firefox and Avant and Opera won. Using the forward and back buttons on Opera as well was a lot faster than the other browsers.

Aside from a few minor things on how it displays objects on the page it works VERY well. They've tightened up the UI. It looks very FireFoxish. The thing I like most about this is that it comes packaged with a LOT of the functionality you would have to search for and install manually with firefox. Such as dragable tabs, mouse gestures, the bookmarks auto sort corretly and can be imported from just about any other browser, even Konquerer. It also has an autoreload, an email client if you should chose to use it, and voice recognition. I haven't tested the voice recognition yet but it sounds very interesting.