
SharePoint 2010 - Search Sevice Application Problems (Event IDs: 6482, 6398, 2159)

SharePoint really has a mind of it's own. For whatever reason one day all of the search service applications stopped working. I found several articles that stated that all of the search service application  objects needed to be deleted and rebuilt. Other article indicating that the indexes needed to be cleared out. Finally, I found this one line powershell gem that fixed my issue of event IDs: 6482, 6398, 2159. Voila...all the event errors stopped.

Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance -Local | Start-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance



SharePoint 2010 - Change Column Types

Sometimes InfoPath doesn't promote fields they way you would like to the SharePoint list. For instance, currency is promoted to a list as a decimal, or a decimal is promoted as an integer. Powershell to the rescue!

Output all of the list columns
$w = Get-SPWeb "https://site";   
$l = $w.GetList("https://site/listname/");
$l.Fields | sort StaticName,Type | ?{$_.CanBeDeleted -eq $true -and $_.Hidden -eq $false} | FT Title,StaticName,Type;

Change Column Type
$w = Get-SPWeb "https://site";   
$l = $w.GetList("https://site/listname/");
$column = $l.Fields["Amount Due"];
#$column.AllowDeletion = $false;
#$column.Sealed = $true;
$column.Type = "Number";


SharePoint - List Filtering on Dates

This is an excellent article that describes how to connect date field web parts to a custom list, to perform range filtering.


SQL Server 2012 - SSIS Execution Permissions

I ran into an issue where even the server administrator and sql server services accounts would not properly execute SSIS packages. I had to perform the following steps so the service account could execute a sql agent job and run a package.

Run Dcomcnfg.exe. Dcomcnfg.exe provides a user interface for modifying certain settings in the registry. In the Component Services dialog, expand the Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config node. Right-click Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services 11.0, and then click Properties. On the Security tab, click Edit in the Launch and Activation Permissions area. Add users and assign appropriate permissions, and then click Ok. Repeat steps 4 - 5 for Access Permissions. Restart SQL Server Management Studio. Restart the Integration Services Service. (Source MSDN)


SharePoint & Antivirus

Folders to consider for exclusion in antivirus programs:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\Logs
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server



SharePoint 2010 - Enabling the Developer Dashboard

Enabling via powershell:

$contentService = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService
$dashboardSetting = $contentService.DeveloperDashboardSettings
$dashboardSetting.DisplayLevel = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPDeveloperDashboardLevel]::On



Powershell - File Renaming

Here is a quick powershell script to tidy files that are not properly formatted for the web.

Get-ChildItem C:\Temp\rename\* -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.name -creplace '[^A-Za-z1234567890.]','_' }
Get-ChildItem C:\Temp\rename\* -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.name -replace '___','_' }
Get-ChildItem C:\Temp\rename\* -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.name -replace '__','_' }


SharePoint 2010 - InfoPath - Web Browser Settings

There is a glitch in the form rendering processes. Even with all the apparent settings set correctly in Central Admin and in the Form Library itself, the form still tries to open in the client filler application. There are some workarounds.
  1. Add this query parameter to the URL string. (Documentation)
  2. Using powershell to force the settings on the library:
       Set-SPInfoPathFormsService -AllowUserFormBrowserRendering $true
The actual fix for me was to just do a full publish of the form again. For whatever reason the "Quick Publish" did not correct the issue.


Powershell - Transferring Files from Server to Server

This is a nice little trick to get powershell to transfer files from one server directly without using domain admin credentials, or setting up an intermediary share directory. The credentials here are for the destination server. This creates a temporary network shared drive on the source server, transfers the file, then removes the shared directory.

$DriveUsername = "SERVER\USERNAME"
$DrivePassword = "PASSWORD"
$LocalFile = "C:\DIRECTORY\FILENAME.csv"
$Drive = "T:"
$RemoteFile = "$Drive\FILENAME.csv"
$net = new-object -ComObject WScript.Network

$net.MapNetworkDrive($Drive, $UNC, $false, $DriveUsername, $DrivePassword)
Copy-Item $LocalFile $RemoteFile